Early Testing
The results from the testing appointment are already in! Based on the measurements made, our kid is between 4 and 7 times less likely to have a genetic disorder than the background rate given Christina’s age; the absolute risk depends on which genetic disorder you’re considering in particular, but no absolute risk factor is over 3 in 10,000.
Additionally, they performed some simple biometrics on the kid. Their overall size is in the 71st percentile given their current age, their head circumference is in the 83rd percentile, and their femur length is in the 81st percentile. If they continue to develop at this rate for the next 20 years or so, our kid will be somewhat larger than average, possibly with long legs compared to their torso. It’s a little risky to project out 20 years of development, given that so far there have been fewer than 20 weeks, but still, every bit of information we receive feels good. That’s particularly true when it’s all good news!
This round of testing cost roughly $280, and for us, that was money well spent. I just can’t imagine knowing that we could have facts about our child, cheaply, and turning it down.