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Pete's Dad Blog Thoughts on being a dad


Not much has changed in the last two weeks, but there was just another milestone: as of today, Olive is near-term: if she were to come today, she wouldn't be considered pre-term, and wouldn't need to spend any mandatory time in the NICU.

Full-term doesn't begin for another two weeks, so for now, she's near-term. What this means in practice is that there's definitely only a month left: much beyond that, and the doctors are very likely to induce to get her out while natural birth remains possible.

Christina's been doing super well: despite the cliché of a woman at this point drawing up half-joking "eviction orders", she still seems pretty content to be pregnant. She puts it in somewhat less positive terms: to her, the thought of having a kid right now makes her more panicky than the thought of waiting a little while longer. Either way, things are going well for us.

In the meantime, we're crossing panic-inducing items off the list, and generally feeling more and more prepared to welcome this kid into our lives. In the meantime, she's more or less stopped kicking in favor of massive squirming, and just generally giving the impression that she's also starting to feel a little cramped in there.

It's all going to happen soon now!