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Pete's Dad Blog Thoughts on being a dad

Oh my gosh: baby wearing

We first actually put Olive in a sling yesterday. It was legitimately transformative.

No more do I have to handle everything one-handed while leaning way back so she doesn't fall off! No more does she fuss and demand attention all the while; she tends to just sleep in the sling. No more does Christina end up cluster-feeding for hours on end because it's the only way to keep Olive happy.

I'm not a huge fan of the complicated assembly procedure: we have one of the slings which is just a long, broad strip of cloth, and it takes several minutes of putting on. On the other hand, she loves it and it seems to support her very comfortably. I think that once she can support her own head more reliably we'll upgrade to something with buckles and so forth. Until then, this thing does seem to work quite well.

There are only a few products so far in my life which, after first use, have made me think "wow, why didn't I get this sooner?" A baby sling is one of them.