Yesterday around 1300, without warning, I vomited. I then continued to do so every couple of hours for the next 12 or so. It was extremely unpleasant, mitigated only by the fact that it was so sharply scope-limited.
It hit Christina three hours after it hit me.
We were lucky: we called on family, and they took care of Olive while the two of us were incapacitated. We dared to hope that we'd quarantined ourselves in time, and it would bypass Olive.
We were nearly correct. At roughly 0400 today, she started making a horrible noise: she was vomiting, lying on her back, between us in bed.
Rolling her on her side solved the immediate problem. What followed was half an hour or so of drained, exhausted parents cleaning her up, figuring out how to sleep the rest of the night, and so forth.
Once the morning rolled around, we discovered, remarkably, that we all felt drained, but otherwise healthy. Apparently this illness, whatever it was, hit us with intensity roughly proportional to our body mass. Now we're planning for as boring a day as possible while we recover.
This is the first time Olive has been really sick1. Quite frankly, she made the adults in the family seem like wimps: she was affected for the shortest duration, and recovered the quickest. This morning Christina and I are zombies; Olive is cheerful and energetic.
Given that she was always certain to get seriously sick at some point in her life, I'm glad that this first instance was so mild for her. Still, I have to hope that in the future, illnesses won't hit us all simultaneously like that again; that was really rough.
Christina pointed out to me when reviewing this pre-publication that I had entirely forgotten the illness last October. I contend that that one was basically a runny nose, and that this one was her first serious illness.